Jet Tumblestone
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Jet Tumblestone Healing Properties
This jet tumblestone has a protective energy and has been used since the stone age to protect against disease, violence and negative entities. It can also be used for protection during meditation and shamanic journeying.
Jet has a neutralising effect on negative energies and can remove irrational fear from the body and heal energy leaks in the aura.
It can allow you to gain more control over your life and business, bringing balance and stability, especially in relation to finances.
- Healing effect on migraines and epilepsy
- Treats stomach pain and PMS
- Beneficial for lymphatic swelling
All crystals are spiritual supports to healing and are not guaranteed to have the effects stated. These effects are based on personal experiences. Anyone with any of the illnesses mentioned should consult their GP. Please do not rely on crystals for healing.