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Peridot Healing Properties

Peridot is a powerful cleanser and has a cleansing effect on the aura and the heart and solar plexus chakras. It also clears the mind and can help you to become aware of things you might have missed.

Peridot also has a protective energy and can help with releasing negative thoughts, emotions and obsessions and attachments to people. It can help you to attract prosperity by changing old habits associated with money such as overspending or hoarding money and brings success to those who deserve it.

Peridot has a positive energy and can help you to feel warm and content. It can allow you to overcome feelings of guilt for mistakes in the past and accept responsibility for the situation that you’re in. It can also help you to change your vibration so that you can start to attract better things in to your life.


  • Heals the heart, thymus, lungs, gallbladder, spleen, intestinal tract
  • Strengthens eyes
  • Treats bipolar disorder

Sold in 10g bags
Origin: India


All crystals are spiritual supports to healing and are not guaranteed to have the effects stated. These effects are based on personal experiences. Anyone with any of the illnesses mentioned should consult their GP. Please do not rely on crystals for healing.