5 Crystals For Inner Child Healing

Inner child healing is the process of healing unmet needs we have had as children. Everyone has an inner child, which if unhealed still feels pain from unresolved childhood traumas. This can be caused by bigger issues such abandonment, abuse or neglect or even just times when we felt overwhelmed or unable to deal with something that was happening at the time.

If we are unable to process and express our emotions, they become frozen inside of us causing issues such as:

  • Abusive Behaviour
  • Feeling unlovable
  • Toxic shame/ low self esteem
  • Being easily triggered
  • Feeling shame about ourselves
  • Repeating Patterns In Relationships
  • Addictive/ Destructive Behaviour
  • Trust issues
  • Feeling empty
  • Physical symptoms/ Accidents
  • Codependance

Unless we are able to heal this wounded energy, we can stay trapped in repeating patterns that can sabotage our lives in different ways.

Inner child healing involves going back to a time in childhood to feel the pain you felt at the time so that it can be expressed and released. You can then acknowledge the pain you felt and give yourself the emotional support that you needed, such as telling yourself what you needed to hear. This could be that you are loved or supported or giving yourself a hug. This is a very powerful technique and can allow beliefs about life to be changed directly since most of our beliefs were created in childhood.

It is important while doing this work not to feel resentment towards parents as most of them were doing the best they could with what they knew at the time and may have had traumatic experiences during childhood themselves.

Crystals for inner child healing

Crystals are a great support for doing inner child work and can be held while doing inner child meditations and visualisations. Here are 5 crystals for inner child healing:

Rhodochrosite has a gentle, healing energy and can repair energy around the heart. It can help you to feel supported while bringing up past emotions from childhood to be released. Rhodochrosite is perfect for releasing resentment or guilt, making it easier to forgive anyone who has caused you pain in the past. It can also help with self love and feeling as though you deserve to be loved.

Smithsonite is a peaceful, nurturing stone and can allow you to feel soothed and supported while doing inner child work. It can help you to accept your inner child with compassion and release suppressed emotions from childhood in a gentle way. Carrying a piece of smithsonite in your pocket help with overcoming extremely challenging emotions and bring out deep inner strength.

Rose Quartz is one of the most powerful stones for emotional healing. It can open the heart chakra to release resentment and promote forgiveness towards anyone who treated you badly in the past. It can also help you to feel self love and acceptance for yourself.

Pink Tourmaline has a gentle, soothing energy and can create a sense of emotional safety while bringing up past emotions from childhood such as shame, abandonment and neglect. It has a powerful healing effect on the heart chakra and can be placed on the heart to fill the body with a powerful feeling of love and compassion.

Blue Aragonite has a peaceful, positive, balancing energy and is perfect for releasing stress, fear, shame and other blocked emotions that are related to the inner child. It can also help with quietening the mind during meditations to connect with the inner child and allow you to gain deeper insights on patterns from childhood.